I don’t imagine most of us give much thought to cleaning our coffee makers (and I really only use mine when my Mom visits). However, if you are a regular coffee pot user, you should be thinking about it because apparently they often contain yeast and mold, according to a recent survey. (That makes them more germ-infested than the average bathroom faucet handle!)


Assuming you are now disgusted and motivated, check out the rules below for how to clean out that nectar of the gods, machine:

1. Wash removable parts with dish soap after every use.

That’s right. Every time you make a pot of coffee, wash the removable parts. After all, that’s why they are removable, they need to be cleaned and properly dried.  Even better, most of the pieces are probably dishwasher safe so you have no reason not to wash them. Oh, and make sure to leave the reservoir’s lid open so it also can dry out completely after each use.


2. De-calcify your machine every month with vinegar.

“Over time, hard water minerals can build up in your machine’s inner workings, and you may notice that your coffee takes longer to drip. To get things back in tip-top shape, you need to cleanse and de-calcify the machine. Forte’s trick: good ole reliable white vinegar.

Fill the reservoir with equal parts vinegar and water and place a paper filter into the machine’s empty basket. Position the pot in place and “brew” the solution halfway. Turn off the machine and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then, turn the coffee maker back on, finish the brewing and dump the full pot of vinegar and water. Rinse everything out by putting in a new paper filter and brewing a full pot of clean water. Repeat once.”1 

3. Make your carafe sparkle again with rice.

Last but not least, wash out that carafe after each use. Yes most of the time it’s just you drinking out of that thing but not washing it will leave it looking dingy over time. Simply “fill it with warm, sudsy water and a little rice. Swirl the mixture to loosen any gunk. Use a scrub sponge to remove debris and rinse well.”1

In all, it’s not difficult, but it does need to be done on a regular basis. But just think, you’ll enjoy that next cup of joe even more because you’ll know it’s clean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. NBC