On Saturday, October 22nd, Gavin Macfadyen, 76, founder of the Center for Investigative Journalism and Wikileaks director died.  Gavin was not only a mentor to Wikileaks CEO Julian Assange, but his closest friend in London.

From the article:

“He was the model of what a journalist should be… He spearheaded the creation of a journalistic landscape which has irrevocably lifted the bar for ethical and hard-hitting reporting. Gavin worked tirelessly to hold power to account.

His life and how he lived it were completely in sync with the principles that he held dear and practiced as a journalist and educator – to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Susan Benn, Macfadyen’s wife

At this time Wikileaks is under constant attack since releasing thousands of emails sent to them (by an unknown source) that are a big problem for Hillary’s campaign. They’ve been accused of interfering in the US election and being a puppet of the Russian government, of releasing fake information (it isn’t), their CEO had his internet cut off, the list goes on and one. So, you can see just how interesting the timing is.

In the video below, from 2016, MacFadyen talks about the power of the Wikileaks releases. While he mentions that there is “only one known Snowden” he laments that there aren’t more whistleblowers to come forward and shed light on the corruption that is so rampant.

 We will update you with more information as we have it.

Source: Canada Free Press