Remember the video footage from the 50’s of people on those vibrating machines? Here’s a reminder…

This story is not about that. Rather, a new study using mice has found that vibrating machines may actually be able to deliver some of the same benefits as actual physical activity. (Whole-body vibration consists of a person sitting, standing or lying on a platform that sends tiny shockwaves through the body, causing muscles to contract and relax multiple times per second.)

The research, published in the journal Endocrinology found that mice with obesity, diabetes, and low bone density (a common side effect of excess weight) had “similar improvements in muscle mass and insulin sensitivity over 12 weeks when they were assigned to either 45 minutes of daily treadmill walking or 20 minutes of daily whole-body vibration.”

From the article:

“While treadmill exercise did improve this measure over 12 weeks, the vibration technique did not. Both interventions did, however, increase levels of a protein involved in bone formation, suggesting that longer-term treatments could potentially help prevent future bone loss.”

The authors pointed out the study was designed to test the benefits of vibration on obese, unhealthy mice for whom regular exercise is difficult. In fact, Meghan McGee-Lawrence, lead author of the study and assistant professor of cellular biology and anatomy at Augusta University, said “If you are able to exercise, we’d still recommend exercise as a first choice option… vibration therapy might be an effective way to help people who are extremely overweight or have other limitations that keep them from regular physical activity.”


But, before you turn on your floor sander and stand on top for exercise, understand that for those health benefits, “The frequency and magnitude of the stimulus, and how long it’s applied, need to be optimized to achieve the outcome you desire.” In this case, too much of a good thing is actually bad for you.

But, when things are right, standing on a vibrating platform for 5, 10, 15 minutes can actually make your cells stronger, help you lose a little weight, and help overweight people get into a better position to begin regular exercise.

One important note about whole-body vibration machines: according to the American Council on Exercise they may affect pacemakers and other electronic implants. Also, pregnant women and anyone with a history of seizures, tumors or thrombosis should not use them.

But, for people who are in a general state of health, they can absolutely be used as a supplement to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Just don’t use it as a replacement.

If you’re ready to take the plunge, check out this video buyers guide!

Source: Time