As a woman, I understand how important heart health is. And you should, too because, “More WOMEN die of heart disease than ALL CANCERS combined, yet we continue to think of it as a MAN’s problem. Learn why women MUST be treated differently in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of heart disease — we can all help prevent it!”

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Most heart disease research has been focused on men, but women’s hearts are profoundly different and aren’t treated properly in prevention, diagnosis or treatment. Conventional medicine’s “one size fits all” model hasn’t worked, but a personalized, functional approach is working — understanding what will benefit your unique heart — it can improve your energy and vitality, even save your life.

Our mission is to help prevent heart disease, the leading cause of death in women, by teaching individuals and health professionals alike the new functional medicine approach to vitality that’s proving more effective than any drug.

Trust me, you don’t want to miss this free summit.