Cancer can be a terrifying word for so many but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, you can start putting your body in a healthier and happier state right now, before you even get a cancer diagnosis by watching what you EAT! As we have often said, the old adage is true, “You are what you eat!”


In fact, a new report published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences titled, “Phytochemicals as Innovative Therapeutic Tools against Cancer Stem Cells,” has evaluated the evidence for what natural compounds within various foods and spices make for the most compelling treatments for targeting cancer stem cells (CSCs).

Because we now know that CSCs are resistant to chemotherapy and radiation treatment, and may even increase in number and invasveness when exposed to these outdated therapies, it is no longer ethical to continue with the conventional oncologist’s “standard of care.”

No, I’m not a doctor but at the same time, since slash and burn has proven over and over again not to actually cure anything, why is it still our greatest hope?

I submit to you that it’s not. And so, with that in mind, the following 10 natural substances below- in no particular order- have been found to be highly effective chemopreventive agents:

Researchers found that phytochemicals can selectively target CSCs and that due to their low levels of toxicity on normal cells they can be used in combination with other phytochemicals to yield “powerful synergistic effects.” In fact, in the above, study authors even concluded that the use of phytochemicals “may be a true therapeutic strategy for eradicating cancer through the elimination of CSCs.”


This is good news! Make sure to fill up those grocery carts with all the colorful fruits and veggies you can get your hands on and eat yourself to better health!

XO- Erin