Several police forces in Indonesia have reportedly found children, high or hallucinating, after having boiled sanitary products in water and drinking the fluid.

Needless to say, the process is incredibly unhygienic and dangerous.

“According to a representative from the National Narcotics Agency, Senior Commander Suprinarto shared that the presence of chlorine in the mixture is what causes the high and gives the user the reported effects. He shared with Straits News, ‘The used pads they took from the trash were put in boiling water. After it cooled down, they drank it together.’ The whole process is neither against the law nor illegal.”1

Despite it not being illegal, it seems many teenagers have been arrested (although we do not know if they were ever charged) as Indonesia has very strict laws and a “zero tolerance” policy towards drugs.

An Indonesian advocate for safe drinking, Jimy Ginting, shared that this is not a new phenomenon, “I don’t know who started it all, but I knew it started around two years ago. There is no law against it so far. There is no law against these kids using a mixture of mosquito repellent and cold syrup to get drunk.”2


  1. Meaww
  2. Meaww