Dannette Giltz was rushed to the hospital because she thought she had kidney stones. But not long after she and her husband got to the hospital, they learned they were about to have triplets!

Dannette and Austin Giltz have been together twelve years and have two kids. So far their life was going according to plan. However, within four short minutes, their lives were permanently rewritten. Dannette said:

I started getting pains, I figured it was kidney stones because I’ve went through them before.

You don’t ever see triplets being conceived naturally, let alone going 34 weeks without knowing. So, everyone’s like I can’t believe it. We’re still in shock, trust me. I go to the doctor’s thinking I’ll have surgery for kidney stones and end up going into labor with a c-section that night. It’s crazy.


The doctors discovered Dannette Giltz was actually going into labor and told her to expect twins. Austin was sitting in a rocking chair thinking of names for the twins when the medical staff asked for another blanket. Danette said:

His reaction is like, ‘excuse me, put it back, no, I was told I have twins, I’m not doing triplets.’ She’s like, ‘no, there’s three babies in here, there’s triplets.


Austin Giltz named their triplets Blaze, Gypsy, and Nikki.

The healthy triplets should be home any day now, and the Giltz’s say they couldn’t have done this without the family, friends, and complete strangers who joined together to donate supplies. Dannette Giltz said:

It’s amazing in a small town how many people will come together for stuff that’s not expected.

The Giltz family was touched by the outpouring of support and generosity from their neighbors in the Black Hills Community of South Dakota. They don’t believe they would have received the same treatment anywhere else.

  1. KCBD

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