Group Of Nuns Growing And Selling Marijuana Illegally

Two northern California nuns are under duress when a recently passed state law allowed their local city council to move to close their, previously, legal marijuana business.

The temporary ban on marijuana cultivation was passed on January 4, 2016 and is believed to be exploiting a loophole created by the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act, which passed in October 2015.

“It’s frustrating to me because there are all of these people with negative attitudes about something that is truly God’s gift,” said Sister Darcey, one of the nuns.

“We make CBD oil,” added Sister Kate, the other nun involved in the practice, “which takes away seizures and a million other things.  It’s very high in demand from cancer patients right now. And we make a salve that’s a multi-purpose salve, but we found out it cures migraines, hangovers, earaches, tooth aches and diaper rash.”

The frustration is understood.  With so much evidence and so many success stories about the value of medicinal marijuana, why is the community moving to shut down the operation?

Merced City councilman Kevin Blake believes the point may soon be moot.  “I give it a year or two and this may all be irrelevant,” he said, referring to the ballot initiative to legalize recreational pot in California that is expected to go up for vote in November, 2016.

Here they are making their full moon salves

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*Article originally appeared at *