I’m not sure I’ve ever gone very long without shaving. I don’t think I shave because I’m afraid of what others think about me, rather, it’s hot and sweaty in Florida. Also, as a culture, we’ve decided that women shouldn’t have leg and armpit hair. I think if we are honest, a lot of us just go along with the masses on this unimportant stuff, without really deciding how we feel about it. Well, get ready to challenge the status quo and think about a topic you might never have given any thought at all: shaving.


In order to promote natural beauty, fitness blogger Morgan Mikenas took an entire year off of shaving.

She said,

“I’m not trying to make all of humanity stop shaving their armpits and leg hair anymore. I just want to inspire others [to do] what works for you, what makes you feel the most comfortable.

I want everybody to not feel ashamed of themselves. I think it’s unfair that people think they have to be in this culture norm. Just do whatever makes you feel good.” 1

And here’s what Morgan looks like after not shaving:

Keep scrolling for her video below.



Sources and References

  1. Bored Panda.