(Editor’s note: Only voters in the Florida KEYS get to vote on their Nov ballot! I beg you to urge friends family- and even foe- there to vote NO!!

“The GMO mosquito is created by injecting synthetic DNA into thousands of mosquito eggs until finally one of the eggs accepts the DNA into its genome, creating two genes. One is a lethal gene, synthesized from E. coli and the herpes simplex virus. It’s lethal because it creates a protein called tTAV which interferes with a cell’s activity, killing the infected mosquito before it can reach adulthood.”

That’s right, they’re injected with a LETHAL GENE synthesized with E. coli and herpes by a biotech company working on this for years who certainly has your health in their best interest (DRIPPING with sarcasm).  Get ready Florida. 

As if it were not bad enough that the feds are going door to door collecting urine and blood samples from scared Florida residents to check them for Zika, or the massive “all out assault” on Zika via aerial spraying currently going on in Miami, and surrounding cities, with a dangerous neurotoxin that Puerto Rico REFUSED because they knew it could be deadly , now we have this.

Read on…

As the Zika virus continues its terrifying spread in Florida (that’s sarcasm), the feds have had their “master” plan approved to release many MILLIONS of mutant mosquitoes in the hopes of suppressing the disease-carrying insect’s population. In fact, we just covered an article in The Washington Post and the title suggested that maybe we should all want to get bitten by these franken-mosquitos. It’s that’s crazy.


I did the article about how the feds (yes the feds, it was on CNN with video links here) were going door to door here in Florida collective urine and blood samples in a highly populated area of Miami to see if they had Zika. THEN they decided to start aerial spraying all across Miami and surrounding cities just like they did in NYC and other cities, all under the guise of that killer Zika virus. It might even get as bad as Ebola did here in the US!
The Food and Drug Administration (aka the Food and THUG Administration) has issued its final environmental assessment of the plan, saying that releasing these dangerous creatures starting in Key Haven, a suburb of Key West, “will not have significant impacts on the environment ” (it will have an impact but the sold out, paid off, bought off EPA doesn’t really give a sh*t about that impact). People and our fragile ecosystem are going to suffer.

Some scientists and MDs say the impact will be “completely devastating”.

Now it’s up to the people who live there to vote in November. They are the only ones who can stop this trial which will release GMO mosquitos on us all. That’s right! You vote on it in November. So please, for the love of God and your families- don’t let this sci-fi experiment of a nightmare happen to us or our children!

The project was proposed by the British biotech company (who some nick name “Satan) Oxitec well before the Zika virus exploded throughout South America, up through Mexico and Puerto Rico and into Florida. But the final decision came just days after the first local transmissions by mosquitoes were confirmed in the U.S., in Miami-Dade and Broward counties.

“We read the newspapers, we see the disease coming, and I think that’s added a little bit of urgency and prioritization to that work,” Hadyn Parry, CEO of Oxitec told the Tampa Bay Times.

Funny how they admit this was all in the works before the NON-epidemic of Zika ever started. But, now that they have their excuse they’re spraying us from the skies, releasing million up millions of GMO mosquitos upon us but unlike Puerto Rico, who fought that sh*t, it’s business as usual here in the land of the Kardashian’s. People we NEED to take a stand and wake the hell up!

The Biotech company has been genetically these Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in a lab with a synthetic protein that kills their offspring before they can emerge from larvae as adults and transmit the Zika virus or other diseases such as Dengue. Therefore, when wild female mosquitoes mate with sterile males, the population dies off rapidly. IF it works out like they hope.

Again, Oxitec has already done this in Brazil (which scientists say could be the reason for the birth defects- NOT the Zika virus!), Panama, and the Cayman Islands. The results have been significant: they have reduced some local mosquito populations by more than 90 percent, birth defects have skyrocketing, and people sicker than ever. But hey, they killed those skeeters!

“I know a lot of people are scared of them because they’re genetically modified,” Sadie Ryan, a medical geographer at the University of Florida who is not affiliated with Oxitec, (editor’s note: “wink wink”)  said in an interview with PBS NewsHour Weekend. “I think it’s a good idea.”

Ryan said that an island is ideal for a trial because Aedes aegypti mosquitoes do not travel very far during their lifetimes.

Sadly, Key West isn’t really an island; you can throw a freaking stone to the land right next to it which is connected to the big ass state called Florida, and that is connected to a big ass country called the US, and that is connected to North America (not to mention Cuba down the road- but sure none of those pesky mosquitos will get on a boat or plane or car).

“You have to drown out the local population wherever you are, that’s why islands are a great place to do it,” she said.

Really? I’ve lived here more years than I can count and none of us call Key West an “island” due to it’s extremely close proximity to the rest of Florida which I could literally throw a rock to or swim (and I have).

A May 2015 report said that people who live in the Key West are divided. While some see the potential benefits of eradicating the mosquito that poses a threat to them, others worry about the unknown. One local resident said she’s scared and moving north. She’s 95 and seen what the government has done to destroy the beautiful state she was born and raised in (and had intended to die in) but now she’ll be going to live with relatives in the cold Midwest for rest of her days, despite her undying love for Florida. Poor thing.

Even if Floridians do vote to allow Oxitec to release the genetically modified mosquitoes there, (DON’T VOTE FOR IT!!!) Ryan said it would be more difficult to try it in a bigger metropolitan area like Miami because there are no clear boundaries.

Zika is also a sexually transmitted disease, and people from all over the world travel through Miami, so it may be difficult to contain the species or the virus, Ryan says.

It doesn’t seem to matter that we’ve only had a handful of cases (literally) in the state. Last we heard, none have been hospitalized and all are fine with no birth defects being reported. But all bets are off now with the massive aerial spraying campaign and the potential GMO sci-fi skeeters being unleashed by the millions. If this happens please know it’s not for us, or our health- but for money. That’s the bottom line. MONEY.

Vote against GMO Mosquitos on the November ballot. It might be more important than which one of them they pick to run the country.

Sincerely, Erin Elizabeth

Source: PBS