(Editor’s Note: We LOVE Chipotle but if this is true someone needs to answer for it and make it right.)

Leah Turner, a former Chipotle employee, has filed a lawsuit against Chipotle- and nearly 10,000 former workers have joined her suit- claiming that she was forced to work unpaid hours for the fast food chain.

Chipotle Clean for Free ‘Parties’

Just one of the odd specifics of that (alleged) free work was that Chipotle held “cleaning parties,” where employees came in on their off days and helped clean the store while off the clock.

From the article:

“Araceli Gutierrez was a manager at Chipotle and said she was a part of these parties. At the time, she thought she was getting paid for those off-day store cleanings, but later found out she wasn’t getting a dime for her troubles.

Gutierrez also stated that at times, she’d get calls from her higher-ups, asking her to send people home, or make them clock out because labor costs were “high right now,” according to her CNN interview.”

Chipotle has said that the stories coming in aren’t consistent with their company guidelines. They assume this behavior was led by a few “rogue managers.” But people learn corporate behavior somewhere.


This is just more bad news for this amazing company. We hope this gets sorted out and that the whole truth comes to light. We will update you as we have more information.

Source: Food Beast