Vladimir Putin, democratically elected president of Russia- who was recently in China for the G20 summit- may have had an attempt on his life. Seems while he was gone for the summit, his favorite driver was killed behind the wheel of an official state vehicle. The accident has been called suspicious and an “audacious threat” to the Russian president.

Vladimir Putin’s Favorite Driver

His chauffeur, who had more than 40 years of experience, died at the scene; surveillance video shows the black BMW was struck head-on in Moscow by a car that swerved into its lane from the opposite direction.

While no one has claimed responsibility and no blame has been put on anyone specifically, one pro-Putin website quickly assumed it was an assassination attempt by foreign agents. Western foreign agents.

However, very recently, President Poroshenko, has warned that Russia is warming up for a full-scale INVASION of Ukraine – and fears Europe is too weak to stop it, and that help from the US is nowhere to be found.

Who knows.

Source: NY Post