Experts in Istanbul recently revealed that migraine and tension-type headaches may share genetic links with irritable bowel syndrome. IBS, the most common stomach disorder in the world, has symptoms like abdominal pain or cramping, a bloated feeling, and gas and diarrhea or constipation. Migraines are so strong that they are self-diagnosable, with nausea and sensitivity to light and sound, as common symptoms.

Dr. Derya Uluduz, author of the study, believes that since headaches and irritable bowel syndrome are such common conditions- and the cause of each is still unknown- that  discovering a link, that could shed light on the shared genetics of the conditions, would be incredibly helpful.

The 320 person study, conducted at Istanbul University in Turkey, had:

  • 107 participants with episodic migraine
  • 53 with tension-type headache
  • 107 people with IBS
  • 53 healthy people

Researchers examined the migraine and tension headache participants for IBS symptoms and questioned those with IBS about headaches. They found that people with migraines were twice as likely to also have IBS, as people with tension headache. And more than half of those with migraines also had IBS, compared to 28 per cent of those with tension headaches. In those with IBS, 38 also had migraines and 24 also had tension headaches.

When the researchers looked at the serotonin transporter gene and the serotonin receptor 2A gene, they found that the IBS and migraine/tension headache groups had at least one gene that differed from the genes of healthy participants. Dr. Uludiz sees this as a possible link that warrants further study. She tells The Daily Mail, ‘Discovering shared genes may lead to more future treatment strategies for these chronic conditions.’

Source: Daily Mail