Now more than every it’s important to KNOW where your food comes. Farmers markets and health food stores are a good place to start, but what if you don’t have access to them? While many people might believe like I did, that small or balcony gardens couldn’t handle fruits, this article proves us all wrong!


Turns out you don’t need a yard or even a full garden to grow fresh fruits. You can grow healthy fruit from inside your home all year around! Just make sure to transfer your plant once it outgrows its container and prune their roots at least once a year. Also, once your plant is fully grown you’ll need to replace the top layer of soil with fresh compost.

Lastly, plants grow best when they have a compost with a soil base, that’s placed over a drainage like pebbles, stones, or broken pottery.

And so, without further ado, here are the 7 fruits you can grow inside:

Strawberries– Find a container about five to six inches deep and make sure your soil has a pH of 5.6 to 6.3. Don’t forget fertilizer, either, it’s important growing strawberries. Start with seeds or an already sprouted plant and make sure not to overcrowd the plants because they can become diseased or moldy.

The most important thing with growing strawberries is to make sure they get lots of sun (like a sunny windowsill), they will need about six hours of sun a day.

Grapes– The article says, “Having your own tiny vineyard in your home is possible as long as you have good ventilation for your grapes. This will prevent mildew. You can even manipulate your vines to grow up your ceiling and up your walls. You’ll need a container that can hold a minimum of 15 gallons.

Grapes need proper drainage so you’ll have to put stones or something similar at the bottom of your container, then add your soil and a layer of mulch.”


Figs– I love figs and you can grow them from a seed or a pre-started fig tree. Make sure to plant the tree in a planter with drainage holes and put it in a well-lit area, but NOT direct sunlight, they thrive at 65 degrees. Water the tree until the water comes out of the drainage holes but not so much that the tree is pooling. Water regularly once a week!

Papaya– As long as you place a papaya plant in an area that’s at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, and give it full sun and regular watering, you can eat tropical fruit year round! Make sure to trim the stems so it can stay in an indoor container, too. Once it begins to grow, the fruit will be ready within seven to eight months.

Mulberries– From the article, “If you have 10 years to kill, then you could grow your mulberry tree from a seed. If not, you can buy a semi-dwarf or dwarf-sized tree and grow it in your home.

A mulberry tree must be kept in a warm room that is very bright with lots of sunshine. You’ll also need a very large pot (about one-third the height of the tree, excluding the roots) for this slow growing plant. This pot should have drainage holes and an attached tray to catch the excess water.

Make sure you water enough so that the roots get wet but aren’t sitting in a pool of water. Re-water when the soil is dry again. You can add a slow-release fertilizer every six months.”

Watermelon– With a large pot and moist, sandy soil, you can grow watermelons in your own home. Watermelons will need a large pot with moist, sandy soil and a warm and sunny spot.

Since the vines grow vertically, you’ll need lattice, wire, or wooden sticks to create a support system- watermelons are heavy, so make sure the structure is sturdy.


Apricots– This amazing little fruit is fairly easy to grow in pots as long as they are kept in a warm spot. They grow best in an environment that uses compost and a pot with lots of drainage. But, in order to get fruit, you’ll have to pollinate them, something that can be done using a paintbrush and going from one flower to another.



Source: Sharably