When we wrote the story, “Houston Set to Become Next Battleground for GMO Mosquitoes to “Fight Zika Virus,” we had no idea that Houston CBS affiliate KHOU would pick it up and attempt to “fact check” our story. Check out the video below and remember: just because something hasn’t happened yet, but is in the process of happening, doesn’t make it “false.” (There’s a reason people are irritated with the mainstream media. The bias and irresponsible/lazy reporting is shocking.)

We should also note, the piece references the fact that they attempted to call us. We didn’t get the email in time but they aired the piece, AND blasted it across social media, within hours of sending an interview request. This kind of tactic is obviously meant to catch others off guard- it’s “gotcha” journalism and it’s pathetic.

Here’s the email (we took out Brandi’s email and her phone number as a courtesy):


Point 1- Are GMO mosquitoes coming to Houston? KHOU claims this is false, “at least for now.” And yet later they clearly state, “The county is talking to a couple of companies about bringing in genetically and bacterially modified mosquitoes.” The county is currently working with Oxitec to release the GM mosquitoes although the release won’t be until next year, at the earliest. So then, again, how is this FALSE? Well, it’s NOT.

Point 2- They state is TRUE. (We already knew that.)

Point 3- Our article, linked above, claims “no actual cases of Zika have even been reported there.” KHOU labeled that claim, “FALSE- kinda.” You see no one in Houston has caught Zika from a local mosquito IN Houston. However, dozens of travel-related cases were reported. So then, again, their claim of FALSE is misleading and untrue. No one has caught Zika locally.

Not. One. Person.

Check out the FB live video we did with our rebuttal. Most sites who do stories on us we ignore, but when we have relatives watching us on TV? CBS Evening News in Houston? It’s time to respond! We usually don’t do rebuttals over nonsense news but my own relatives called seeing this on TV. And it’s prime time.