Do you know the secrets to a happy life? Romanian blogger and personal development guru, Luminita Saviuc, believes she does. Known as the Purpose Fairy, Saviuc outlines the formula to a happy life below, once you are ready to give up the following 15 things, that is!

Whenever you feel the overwhelming need to prove your point, think to yourself, ‘Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?’ If the urge to make your point comes upon you, pause for a moment…how much does it really matter?

2. The need to be in control 

The need to be in “control” is a silly feeling that MANY people struggle with. And yet, the truth is none of us are really in control because control is an illusion.

Allowing self and others to just ‘be’ and accepting that you can’t control situations or other people’s behavior will make you feel a lot calmer.

3. The blame game

It’s time to stop placing the blame on others for anything- this is all about taking personal responsibility!

Whether someone has hurt you or taken something away from you, blaming others dilutes your personal power and prevents you from taking responsibility for your own life.

4. Self-defeating inner thoughts 

There are far too many people hurting themselves because of their negative, polluted, and repetitive self-defeating mindsets. If you’ve never considered it, stop believing everything that your mind is telling you – especially if it’s negative and self-defeating.

5. Personal limiting beliefs

Stop telling yourself you can’t do something or that what you want out of life is impossible. This will just keep you stuck.

6. Complaining 

Situations and people can only make you feel upset if YOU allow them to.

7. Criticising

As much as it is possible, resist the temptation to criticize situations or people who are different than you. It won’t serve to better your life or situation but will make you bitter.

8. Trying to impress people 

You will never be able to make everyone happy or always impress them so don’t even bother. Be who you are and be the best version of that self- true and kind people will be naturally drawn to you without any effort.

9. Resisting change 

Change doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Understand that in life, change helps us grow and improve ourselves.

10. Labels

Stop labeling those things, people or events that you don’t understand as being weird or different and try opening your mind, little by little. Minds only work when open.

11. Fears 

You’d be surprised to know how freeing it is if you’d only stop being afraid of a situation or person that fills you with dread. Fear is created in the mind and doesn’t exist outside of it, so you can choose not to fuel it.

12. Excuses

Almost entirely, excuses do nothing but stop us from growing; rather than improving and moving forward, excuses keep us stuck and lying to ourselves. And heck, most of the time they aren’t even legitimate!

13. The past 

Living in the past prevents you from enjoying the present. Period. While

While it’s good practice to plan for the future, you shouldn’t attempt to LIVE there.

14. Attachment

Luminita says, “The moment you detach yourself from all things, you become so peaceful, so tolerant, so kind, and so serene. You will get to a place where you will be able to understand all things without even trying. A state beyond words.”

15. Living your life according to others’ expectations 

Too many people live their lives according to others expectations but this only leads to losing control and forgetting about what makes you truly happy. If your constant goal is to please others you will eventually forget who YOU are.

What do you think of this list? Would you honestly describe yourself as TRUELY happy?

Source: Daily Mail