As amazing as this story is, it also makes me sick to my stomach. Read on.

In 2014, Oxfam International created a wonderfully comprehensive infographic which revealed the extensive reach of the “Big 10” food and beverage companies. Just take a look, and then look again. For example, PepsiCo produces Quaker granola bars, and Nestlé makes Kit Kat bars but also frozen California Pizza Kitchen pies. And, to the surprise of many, Pineapple Fanta is canned right alongside Barq’s root beer- at the Coca-Cola factory. Just when you thought there was a bit of diversity in all that processed food!


Out of the hundreds of products available at your local market, only ten major corporations manufacture the bulk of it.

That’s a lot of inbreeding. Gross.

From the article:

“So whether you’re looking to stock up on anything from orange soda to latte-flavored potato chips, Mondelez, Kraft, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, PepsiCo, P&G, Johnson & Johnson, Mars, Danone, General Mills, Kellogg’s, and Unilever own just about everything you could hope to buy. It seems that six degrees of separation theory has been proven after all, if only because we all drink Diet Coke every now and then.

And it’s not just the crap food, either. These massive corporations also make it nearly impossible for startups and small businesses to compete. But, we can help by NOT buying anything from the Big 10. We always have a choice.

To avoid them, shop your local farmers’ markets and definitely skip the soda and highly processed foods altogether. Your body doesn’t need it, doesn’t want it, and will thank you for your abstinence!

Source: GOOD